№1 (2015)

Table of Contents

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Meshcheryakov B.G., Munipov M.V.
The work of L.S. Vygotsky and A.N. Leontiev by eyes of Brazilian researchers


Abstract (pdf)
Longarezi Andréa Maturano, Franco Patricia Lopez Jorge
A.N. Leontiev: the life and work of the psychologist


Abstract (pdf)
Toassa Gisele Is there a “Vygotskian Materialism”? Ontological and epistemological concerns for a contemporary Marxist Psychology (Part I)

In this work divided in two papers (the first paper is published in the current number of the journal), I claim that Vygotsky created his own psychological marxist materialism, rather than applicated dialectical materialism to Psychology. For this, I perform an immanent analysis that strives for understanding Vygotsky´s psychological framework. Therefore, both papers stress similarities and differences between his work and that of authors like Engels, Plekhanov, Lenin, Spinoza and others. The first paper briefly exposes the schism between Eastern and Western Marxism, — background, in which Vygotsky deployed his philosophical concerns in early psychological works (particularly “Educational Psychology”, 1924, and “Psychology of Art”, 1925) and parts of the “Historical Meaning of Crisis in Psychology” (1927). The paper presents the implications of ideas like “reality”, “nature”, the “psychophysical problem” and others for a materialist psychology.


Article (pdf)
Toassa Gisele Há um
“Materialismo Vygotskyano?” Preocupações ontológicas e epistemológicas para uma psicologia marxista contemporânea (Parte I)



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Abstract (pdf)

Yermolaeva M.V.
Theoretical bases of research of personality development throughout a course of life


Abstract (pdf)
Yermolaeva M.V.
Subjective approach to solving the problem of increasing the effectiveness of communication activities of junior schoolboys


Abstract (pdf)